The legend color locking feature provides additional control of how data is represented on the map . This feature permits assignment of colors according to values that persist even as you change zoom level or area of interest. This feature is most useful when representing text (alpha) data, since custom ranges may not be defined for text data and color assigned for the default palette depends how many values are in view.
Here is an example when color locking may be useful. The maps are representing the dominant Hispanicity Segment at the ZIP Code level but at different zoom levels. The colors assigned are based on the thematic options defined by user. Notice that in Map 1 that HA1:Americanizado is represented in blue then in Map 2 at Zoom 10 HA1:Americanizado is represented in yellow.
Legend Color Locking
The lock feature allows you to associate a value with a color.
To lock color displayed in the legend click the to lock it.
To define and lock a different color click one of the color swatches in the legend.
This brings up the Color Palette pop-up window.
Select the color you want to use. Color palette window closes and the lock displays in a locked position.
To define a color not on the palette or to modify the opacity of the selected color click
In the text field enter the Hex Color Value of the color you desire
To Modify Opacity slide the control bar or enter the percent value
Note an Opacity value of 0 will make the color transparent
Repeat steps for each custom color selection.
To unlock click
Click Update Map. Note that locked ranges or values not currently in view will appeared grayed out.
Notice now HA1:Americanizado is represented in blue at zoom 10.