MPSI Modeled Traffic Estimate Current Year

The KSS Fuels TrafficMetrix© Current Year Estimates data addresses the need for current traffic count information in areas where updated information is not available. KSS Fuels has developed a forecasting model to estimate the traffic count for the current year. Our research indicated that different types of roads had different factors influencing their traffic volume.


As a result of these findings, KSS Fuels classified each traffic point in its data warehouse based on the type of road (urban or rural) and its level of traffic volume. This resulted in the development of ten separate predictive models to account for differences in the factors and the importance of each to reflect variation in the types of roads where the counts were located. Demographics (i.e., population, income, employment, etc.) were compiled at varying trade area sizes for each traffic location and traffic count trend data for larger counts (exceeding 1,000 cars per day) were incorporated into the predictive models.


The KSS Fuels TrafficMetrix data is the industry’s most current traffic measurement product and provides 24-hour average daily traffic counts for highways and major roads throughout the United States. KSS Fuels collects this data through many sources: city governments, engineering firms, highway and transportation departments as well as through our own field verification.