Site Virtual Indicators

The advantage of Virtual Indicators is that it allows you to formulate new indicators by combining existing indicators.

A Site Virtual Indicator differs from standard Virtual Indicators in that it also contains either Site Data or POI Aggregate indicators. Site Virtual indicators allow you to perform such analysis as, market penetration or scoring & modeling performance of your distribution network just to name a few.


Create Site Virtual Indicators

  1. On the sub-menu click  Create Virtual Indicator image39.jpg icon.

  2. Click on your choice of Indicator.

  3. Click on the Include in Virtual button.

  4. Click on the appropriate Mathematical Operator  + - * / ( ) for the equation.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until your formula is complete.

  6. Notice the Number of Decimal Places to Display drop down.  System automatically defaults to zero decimals for all virtual indicators created. For various formulas such as those including monetary information you may want to modify.

  7.  Type in a unique name for the virtual indicator in the Virtual Indicator Name text box.

  8. Click Create to save the Virtual Indicator. System displays message that virtual indicator is being created.

  9. Next system advises operation complete and ask if you want to share  virtual.


An example of a Site Virtual Indicator would be the sum of two POI Aggregates such as Count of Supermarkets Plus Convenience Stores




Using Site Virtual Indicator


 Site Virtual Indicators can be used only in Retail Target since they pertain to your trade area analysis. As such, Site Virtual Indicators are not listed in the Data Settings tab indicator tree but they are listed in the Advanced Report and Classification Settings indicator tree .




 To access follow these steps:

  1. In the Indicator tree  find the User Defined database uds.png and click the plus sign plus.gif to expand  

  2. Expand  image160.jpg Site Virtual Indicators grouping

  3. Choose Site Virtual Indicator you want to include in your report or map.



Edit a Virtual Indicator

  1. On the sub-menu click image39.jpg Create Virtual Indicator icon

  2. Expand  User Defined grouping.

  3. Expand image161.jpg Site Virtual Indicators

  4. Select Site Virtual Indicator you wish to edit.

  5. Click Edit Virtual.  The Virtual Indicator's definition will be shown in the virtual indicator formula box.

  6. Edit formula as desired.

  7. Click Update to save the changes made. 


Share a Virtual Indicator

To share a previously created virtual indicator:

  1. In the Indicator tree  find the User Defined database uds.png and click the plus sign plus.gif to expand  

  2. Expand  image162.jpg Site Virtual Indicators grouping

  3. Choose Virtual Indicator you want to share.

  4. Right click and from the Context Menu select Share Virtual.

  5. The Share Virtual window displays list of current GIS users in your company.  Select users you'd like to share virtual indicator with and click OK.  When the message  stating that your sharing rules  have been updated displays click OK


Delete an Existing Virtual Indicator


  1. On the sub-menu click image39.jpg Create Virtual Indicator icon

  2. Expand  User Defined grouping.

  3. Expand image163.jpg Site Virtual Indicators and then expand sub category Virtual Indicators.

  4. Choose the specific Virtual Indicator that you wish to delete.

  5. Click Delete .  Dialog window displays.

  6. Click Delete to permanently delete indicator or Cancel to retain virtual indicator.